Expected Benefits

Centre would serve the country in different ways and would help the industry in achieving much needed support and services of the modern technology with professional backup. The Centre could fulfill many other needs by providing expert advice to suit our country, training programmes that would match with local needs and above all by acting as a Centre of Excellence for Knowledge Creation.

Key Services

  • Training programmes for design of Dies, Moulds, Press Tools, etc.
  • Training programmes for Innovative Product Design.
  • Training programmes for CNC Part Programming and Machining.
  • Training programmes on CAD/CAM/CAE related applications.
  • Design and development of products for the local and international market.
  • Design analysis of products, Dies and Moulds for local and international market.

The Background

It is a well recognized fact that the contributions from mould & die making industry are greatly influencing the status of the entire manufacturing sector. One of the major concerns of the mould & die makers today is the unavailability of a well organized facilitation and development centre to address the burning issues in the sector which could not be taken up as individuals. The Mould & Die Makers Association together with the Ministry of Industry & Commerce and the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Moratuwa identified the key issues and were able to launch a ten-year development plan in 2006.


News and Events

Scope of Operation

  • The centre will operate within the frame work of the University but with sufficient flexibility to carry out activities independently. The university academic will have access to the facilities of the centre for their research and development activities mainly related to the die and mould making and processing of plastics and rubber in collaboration with the industry.

    The industry will have direct access to the facilities and services without any delay that would otherwise exist in a normal laboratory. One of the main objectives is to provide essential services to the die and mould making sector which would otherwise be available in foreign countries at extremely high cost.